Something old, something new

Marriage shouldn't be taken too lightly. If you're planning to start a family, be ready to work hard and fight for it. Why not get engaged with Mr/Ms Right first, to see how it works? It'll be less of a hassle breaking up, for a divorce you will need a wizard. Try not to ask Grunthex, I think he gets depressed by the divorce rates.

If you have decided to marry, however, the gods may test your patience with a few tricks. I managed to get a permission to reveal their most common tests by letting them know how stressful (despite the happiness) the ceremony may be to a couple. Many of the problems can be solved without finding a wizard to help.

Actual marrying is in principle easy, the quickest and cheapest way is to go to Woolcroft's Wedding Wares, buy two rings, exchange them and be married. Many want a bit more than that, however. Using your imagination isn't forbidden, but if you want to be traditional, there's a wedding chapel at the Common Church of Tantallon. You can buy most wedding-related accessories at Woolcfort's, and as for the rest, there are plenty of salespeople in this realm. (Certain clothes Woolcroft sells are somewhat spammy.) In principle anyone can perform the ceremony, but immortals, clerics and on board ships their captains are bound to convince even the most stubborn mother/father-in-law of the lawfulness of the marriage ceremony. Wizards are popular due to their ability to create extra effects.

Rings: how to deal with them

  1. Examine (/look at) the rings thoroughly. Read 'help ring'.
  2. Make sure you only have two wedding rings, and each person has the ring they're planning to give the other. Inscribe the rings and offer them to the person you're planning to marry.
  3. If this doesn't work, check that you do not have any of the commands aliased. Remove the aliases with 'unalias', for example 'unalias inscribe'. (It also works to begin your command with two exclamation marks to override aliases (and nicks), try '!!inscribe' instead of 'inscribe'.
  4. If offering gives you trouble, make sure that your ring is indeed inscribed, and that you're offering the right ring. If you have several rings in your inventory, which is causing confusion, refer to the ones lower in the listing by numbers, for example 'ring 2'.
  5. If you are a Bear, your Guardian Spirits will speak to you when you try to offer the ring, claiming that "you do not have anything to offer". You must use 'propose' instead of 'offer ring', and the spirits will be silent.
  6. If you are already married with someone, even if the person you married first has left and isn't coming back, you must get a wizard to divorce you before a new marriage is possible.
  7. When nothing else works, contact a wizard. If the problem turns out to be something outside of this list, I would appreciate it if you'd drop me a note*.

Something borrowed, something blue...

Once the ceremony is happily done with and you have returned from your honeymoon, consider sitting down for a moment to tell me your story. I will be collecting material both for an article in the Canticle and for publishing here. How, when and where did you meet, how, decide to get married, get married and where did you spend your honeymoon (further details may be omitted ;))? How did the ceremony go, who was invited, was there a reception afterwards? For contact information, see below.

*) Mudmail Fir or finger her for an email address.

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