UTF-8 in Apache TODO: Looking at the broken charsets on my website, this article needs work... HowTo enable the recommended charset, utf-8, in Apache web server. This will make all international characters, including Finish ones. Write your XHTML pages as described in the XHTML-chapter, then apply the settings specific to your Apache version. If you have plain text (.txt) pages, they automatically work when Apache is configured as below. XHTML The officially recommended way in w3c HTML Compatibility Guidelines Unicode rocks = = = Apache 2.0 Apache 2.0 is included in redhat 8.0 and redhat 9.0. To enable utf-8, change the public_html directory description in httpd.conf. Add FileInfo to AllowOverride. You have propably done that allready. There is no need to remove any other configuration from directory description. AllowOverride FileInfo After editing, apply changes by restarting Apache /etc/init.d/httpd restart After that, any user can add a .htaccess file to his $HOME/public_html AddCharset UTF-8 .html .htm .txt You can try browsing to a page to check if you get the correct charset, and if special characters are displayed correctly. To see what server really sends you curl -s -i http://www.hut.fi/~tkarvine/ |less = = = Apache 1.3 Used in the www.hut.fi website. Add this .htaccess to your $HOME/public_html AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 (c)2003 Tero Karvinen atta iki fi All rights reserved